What to Expect


Our small church family represented by all ages prefers  our worship services to include a blended music style with praise song videos, hymnal singing, Southern Gospel Sunday, kids and adult choruses as well as mission videos. 

The message from our pastor or guest speakers is always Bible based, often relating to current everyday issues and how our Heavenly Father would expect His children to live in today's world. 

We have music concerts throughout the year as well as fellowship meals (which are always  WELL attended and always have great food).



We are a mission minded church throughout the year and support various Southern Baptist Convention missions:  Easter Annie Armstrong offering for North American Missionaries, Mission Illinois for state missionaries, Lottie Moon Christmas offering for International Missionaries, and Southern Baptist Convention Cooperative Program. 

We also continuously collect donations of Bibles, literature, music for delivery to Love Packages in Butler, Illinois, an organization that delivers semi containers to foreign countries, as well as collect donations of food for the local food pantry. 

Our big event of the year is Operation Christmas Child with a shoebox packing party by the third week of November.  We love watching our God uses each box to bless a child in a foreign country and uses the local churches in each country to teach the children about The Greatest Journey.